St Johns Austin-Healey Club
       Jacksonville, Florida    

a chapter of the

Austin-Healey Club of America








St. Johns Austin Healey Club Member Meeting for June 3, 2024

The SJAHC meeting was called to order by President Bill Young at 7:25 p.m. at the Ponta Vedra home of Bill and Char Maroney. In addition to Bill and his wife, Judy, those attending included Rick and Marilyn Stevenson, Mike Foster, Bob Pippin and Ron Keysor This, it should be mentioned, was a particularly light attendance for a member meeting.

Bill opened with a call for approval of the minutes from the May 6, 2024 meeting. That done, he offered Treasurer Paul Sandefer’s monthly report that the club’s bank balance remains at $$$$$$. The Sandefers were unable to attend the meeting, but Paul alway provides a report on the club’s finances ahead of member meetings.

Bill Maroney, membership chair, said membership remains at 34, with two of those having local membership only, and the balance also being members of our parent, the Austin Healey Club of America. Bill related that two long-time members have not acted to continue their memberships. Also, long time club activist Andy Sanfilippo has chosen to discontinue membership because of the press of other activities. There are a couple of individuals or couples who have discussed joining our ranks but have not committed at this time, Bill also said.

Two additional members who are splitting their time between Florida and Maine, B.J. and Kelly Overman, were seemingly the only SJAHC members to accept an invitation from the North Florida Jaguar Club for a event held at Fort Clinch and the Beech Street Grill in Fernandina Beach in May. “The Jaguar outing as well thought our, low key and good fun,” the Overmans said opening a full-page report on the Jaguar event provided to Bill Young. There was a lot of praise made in that page, and here is a concluding sentiment the Overmans offered: “All in all, a well-planned, well-executed, enjoyable day with good people and classic, classy British machinery.” The Jag club clearly earned the Overmans’ esteem.

The Jaguar outing led into the next topic, this coming Saturday’s British Car Rendezvous II hosted by our club at the Spring Park Large Pavilion in Green Cove Springs, noon until 3 p.m.
Bill Young, who has a date conflict on Saturday, anticipates that we will have a large attendance of MG owners in particular, as well as owners of many other British marques. There is no registration, so just show up with your own picnic lunch, take a look at the dozens of Brit cars that will be there, and then enjoy a very informal lunch in the pavilion with other owners.

Another upcoming Healey outing, the most important one for those of us in the Southeast, will be held at Sheldon Vinyards in North Carolina Oct. 31 to Nov. 2. The Southeast Classic Healey show, hosted by SJAHC in Fernandina Beach about a decade back, will be attended by at least two or our members, John and Nancy Leenhouts. That couple, who reminded us to consider making the two-day drive up to the show, are likely the only couple making that trip, as they do, in a side-curtain early Healey.

Also coming up for mention was the AHCA Conclave being held at Road of America at Elkhart Lake, Wis., in September. Bill Young, a Wisconsin native, will, of course, be attending with Judy. More will be forthcoming as the show, the largest annual Healey event in America (and Canada), approaches.

As usual, the meeting included a bit of chatter about Healey issues, with the secretary confessing he hasn’t solved the high idle his car produces. Likely a tech session will be hosted by Ron Keysor at the home he shares with wife Elaine on River Road in Orange Park, to find find a solution. This is tentatively set for Thursday, June 20, and will include lunch. As with our usual practice, members are welcome to bring their cars and work on them. Details will emerge.

Adjournment of the June 3 meeting came at about 8:40 p.m. The next member meeting, July 1, is tentatively scheduled at the Athenian Owl, a restaurant that provided a satisfactory meeting site and a nice menu for a previous member meeting. As with all club events, members receive emails as the dates arrive.

R.Keysor, Sec.

Addendum: last night the secretary told those attending of a You Tube show called “Shed Racing” hosted from the UK by an old race car mechanic, a real charmer, known only as Ivan. This morning I caught his show on a super-modified Sprite race car that he built some years ago. Suffice it to say this: the car laid rubber for about 10 feet upon acceleration and sports countless nifty upgrades likely none of us know about. Healeys aren’t Ivan’s usual fare, but race cars and auto mechanic work have been his life and Shed Racing, as unlikely as the narrator might look, is surely one of the best car shows available.


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        Copyright © 2017 St Johns Austin-Healey Club
        Last modified: 1/5/2024